• Indonesian Electric Company

    Living with the darkness. No music, no television, no internet, no electric. Imagine live in this situation. It happen at least once a week in our town (medan). How about you?
    I could not find the perfect words for this, but we called it "mati lampu (ML)", you can called it whatever you like .

    Thousands story of "mati lampu", here is mine:
    If 'ML' is come,

    • can't take a bath after work all day
    • all we can do is stay and waiting. Man.., come on ot's 2008, i'm f* stinky
    • I hope my cellular battery is full, for emergency call if something bad happen.
    • Mosquito feels happy to bite me, PLN help to feed them
    • No traffic light, Crash everywhere
    • I can stuck in a lift for an hours
    • People who having surgery may die if the hospital use PLN electric
    • Just hope when will it become normal. WHEN?? WHEN WHEN
    • Can't eat, Don't wanna bit my thumbs anymore
    • No Dispenser, Feel the deserts live
    • No Rice cooker, I'm starving
    • Feel like living in a stone age, i'm not flinstones
    • No News, Please tell me What happen out there
    • Just leave my home work, what i'm gonna say tomorrow?
    • Add more words in to my sin album
    • And many more.

    Just imagine, they will give predictable reason for us. With the high sallary, great fasility, How could they do this to us?

    - One day late to pay the retribution, you will get penalty.
    - Once a day there is no electric, it's okay. What's the problem with that?

    If you're not from Indonesia, i think you're lucky not to feel this.

    I start write this and hope they will read this. Sorry for my bad english. Just hope something good will happen.

    my friends, What is your story??
    Let them read ours (*&^))(!! and leave our Comments here


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